Riverhead Eases Zoning Restrictions for Cannabis Shops

Riverhead Eases Zoning Restrictions for Cannabis Shops

Riverhead Eases Zoning Restrictions for Cannabis Shops


The town of Riverhead, New York, has recently made a significant move in the cannabis industry by easing zoning restrictions for cannabis shops. This decision comes after New York State legalized recreational marijuana in March 2021, opening up a new frontier for businesses and entrepreneurs. The move is expected to boost the local economy and provide new opportunities for business owners and consumers alike.

Understanding the New Zoning Laws

Under the new zoning laws, cannabis shops in Riverhead will now be allowed to operate in commercial and industrial zones. Previously, these businesses were restricted to specific areas, limiting their growth and accessibility. The new laws also reduce the required distance between cannabis shops and schools or churches from 1,000 feet to 500 feet, making it easier for these businesses to find suitable locations.

These changes are expected to attract more cannabis businesses to Riverhead, creating jobs and generating tax revenue for the town. According to a report by the New York State Department of Health, the state’s cannabis industry could generate up to $3.5 billion in annual sales and create 30,000 to 60,000 jobs.

Case Study: Impact of Easing Zoning Restrictions in Other States

Other states that have eased zoning restrictions for cannabis shops have seen positive economic impacts. For example, in Colorado, where recreational marijuana has been legal since 2012, the cannabis industry generated $2.2 billion in sales and created 18,005 full-time jobs in 2020 alone, according to the Marijuana Policy Group.

Similarly, in Washington State, the cannabis industry generated $1.1 billion in sales and created over 10,000 jobs in 2020, according to the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board. These examples demonstrate the potential economic benefits that Riverhead could experience as a result of easing zoning restrictions for cannabis shops.

Challenges and Opportunities

While the easing of zoning restrictions presents significant opportunities, it also comes with challenges. For instance, there are concerns about increased traffic and potential increases in crime rates. However, studies have shown that the presence of cannabis shops does not necessarily lead to an increase in crime. A 2019 study published in the Journal of Regional Science and Urban Economics found no significant increase in crime rates in areas with cannabis shops in Denver, Colorado.

On the other hand, the new zoning laws present opportunities for entrepreneurs and businesses. With fewer restrictions, more businesses can enter the market, leading to increased competition and potentially lower prices for consumers. Additionally, the increased tax revenue can be used to fund public services and infrastructure improvements, benefiting the entire community.


In conclusion, Riverhead’s decision to ease zoning restrictions for cannabis shops is a significant step forward for the town’s economy. While there are potential challenges, the opportunities for job creation, increased tax revenue, and business growth are substantial. As more states legalize recreational marijuana, it will be interesting to see how Riverhead’s experience informs other towns and cities considering similar changes.

By C.N.W

Keywords: Riverhead, zoning restrictions, cannabis shops, New York, recreational marijuana, economic impact


  • New York State Department of Health. (2021). Assessment of the Potential Impact of Regulated Marijuana in New York State.
  • Marijuana Policy Group. (2021). The Economic Impact of Marijuana in Colorado.
  • Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board. (2021). Annual Report.
  • Journal of Regional Science and Urban Economics. (2019). The effect of marijuana dispensary openings on crime.
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