12 Veteran-Embracing Cannabis Brands and Organizations

12 Veteran-Embracing Cannabis Brands and Organizations

The relationship between veterans and cannabis has become increasingly significant as more individuals and organizations recognize the potential therapeutic benefits of cannabis for treating a variety of conditions that veterans often face. From chronic pain to PTSD, the use of cannabis as an alternative or complementary treatment is gaining traction. In this article, we will explore 12 cannabis brands and organizations that are actively supporting veterans through their services, programs, and advocacy efforts.

12 Veteran-Embracing Cannabis Brands and Organizations
12 Veteran-Embracing Cannabis Brands and Organizations

Veteran-Focused Cannabis Brands

1. Helmand Valley Growers Company (HVGC)
Founded by United States Marine Corps veterans, HVGC is dedicated to providing high-quality cannabis products while also supporting veteran access to cannabis for medical purposes. A portion of their proceeds goes to the Battle Brothers Foundation, which funds research on the effects of cannabis on veterans with PTSD.

2. Santa Cruz Veterans Alliance (SCVA)
SCVA is a group of veterans who cultivate medical cannabis and provide it to other veterans as part of a compassionate care program. They aim to improve the quality of life for veterans and advocate for the medicinal use of cannabis.

3. Weed for Warriors Project
This organization provides veterans with medical cannabis information, a supportive community, and safe access to free cannabis products. Their mission is to advocate for the health and well-being of veterans through natural, medicinal alternatives.

4. HeroGrown
Formerly known as Grow for Vets, HeroGrown is committed to helping veterans gain access to cannabis. They offer programs such as the AirDrop, which provides free cannabis products to veterans and first responders in need.

5. Veterans Cannabis Group
An advocacy group that supports the use of medical cannabis for therapeutic purposes, the Veterans Cannabis Group also provides education, safe access, and information on VA resources and policies regarding medical cannabis.

6. Veterans Cannabis Project
Dedicated to improving US military veterans’ quality of life through the opportunity of cannabis, this organization advocates for unrestricted access to medical cannabis. They work to educate policymakers and the public about the value of cannabis to veterans.

Organizations Supporting Veteran Cannabis Use

7. National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML)
NORML has been a leading voice in the push for cannabis legalization. They support veterans by advocating for policy changes that would allow easier access to medical cannabis for those who have served.

8. Americans for Safe Access
This organization works to ensure safe and legal access to cannabis for therapeutic uses and research. They have specific resources and advocacy programs aimed at supporting veterans in their pursuit of medical cannabis treatments.

9. Marijuana Policy Project (MPP)
MPP has been instrumental in reforming marijuana laws across the United States. They support veterans by advocating for medical marijuana programs that include PTSD as a qualifying condition.

10. Balanced Veterans Network
The Balanced Veterans Network partners with other organizations to provide education, advocacy, and community for veterans interested in holistic healthcare options, including cannabis.

11. Operation EVAC (Educating Veterans About Cannabis)
Operation EVAC conducts peer-led support groups and informational sessions to educate veterans about the therapeutic aspects of cannabis while fostering a sense of community.

12. The American Legion
As one of the most influential veteran organizations, The American Legion has called on the federal government to allow VA doctors to discuss and recommend medical cannabis in states where it is legal.


The intersection of veterans’ health and cannabis is an area of growing importance and interest. The 12 brands and organizations highlighted in this article are at the forefront of this movement, offering support, education, and advocacy for veterans seeking access to cannabis for therapeutic purposes. By embracing the potential of cannabis to aid in the treatment of various conditions, these entities are not only helping to destigmatize its use but also actively working to improve the lives of those who have served.

As the conversation around cannabis and veterans’ health continues to evolve, it is crucial to remain informed and supportive of efforts that aim to provide alternative treatment options for our veterans. The commitment of these brands and organizations to veteran well-being is a testament to the positive impact that informed advocacy and dedicated support can have on individuals and communities alike.

By C.N.W

– Helmand Valley Growers Company: [https://hvgcompany.com/](https://hvgcompany.com/)
– Santa Cruz Veterans Alliance: [https://scveteransalliance.com/](https://scveteransalliance.com/)
– Weed for Warriors Project: [https://weedforwarriorsproject.org/](https://weedforwarriorsproject.org/)
– HeroGrown: [https://herogrown.org/](https://herogrown.org/)
– Veterans Cannabis Group: [https://veteranscannabisgroup.com/](https://veteranscannabisgroup.com/)
– Veterans Cannabis Project: [https://vetscp.org/](https://vetscp.org/)
– NORML: [https://norml.org/](https://norml.org/)
– Americans for Safe Access: [https://www.safeaccessnow.org/](https://www.safeaccessnow.org/)
– Marijuana Policy Project: [https://www.mpp.org/](https://www.mpp.org/)
– Balanced Veterans Network: [https://www.balancedveterans.com/](https://www.balancedveterans.com/)
– Operation EVAC: [https://www.operationevac.org/](https://www.operationevac.org/)
– The American Legion: [https://www.legion.org/](https://www.legion.org/)

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